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Boomers Turning 70 a Boon for IRS


July 20.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.  We hope your summer is going well!

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Nationwide came out with a very interesting survey of questions having to do with Social Security and other retirement issues. Here is a summary of some of the fascinating findings, including the stats on retirees who might like a do-over on Social Security timing.
Dahlonega was the site of one of America's first gold rushes. It is a popular tourist town near Lake Lanier and the Appalachian Trail.
Located in the middle of what is considered one of the friendliest states for retirees, this rapidly growing town is being transformed. New 55+ developments are being built and the downtown is being revitalized.
Baby Boomers having been turning 70 throughout 2016. And all these birthdays have a big side benefit for the U.S. Treasury - in the form of taxes to be paid on the Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)  that now need to be taken. Read on for more.
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